Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Come From The Water

Tucson is a lot like dirt. The houses are brown. The trees are brown. The people are brown. Tucson feels like a city that God created from the dust and then forgot to clean up.

"Excuse me sir"
"Excuse me sir"
"Excuse me Sir!"
"I am passing through town on a road trip, and I wanted to know if this Walmart allows overnighting in your parking lot."
"We don't allow RVs."
"What about my truck?"
"Is it a recreational vehicle?"
"No, it is just a pickup truck with a little camper shell on the back."
He stares for a moment, "No" and then he turns and walks off.

I stopped to pick up a piece of litter that was blowing down the street. It turned out to be personal ads for gay men.

I got a $60 ticket from the University of Arizona for "parking against the flow of traffic" on a deserted street.

The three redeeming qualities of Tucson are:
1. The Center for Creative Photography
2. The Sonoma desert museum
3. It is too hot for the girls to wear long sleeves


Christopher Boone said...

Sweet blog, Andrew. And "pretty pictures," as solicited in the NCListserve.

This entry is hilarious. Hope you're having a good one.

wanderer said...

are you still in AZ?

Anonymous said...

That sucks. Sorry. But by the way, I love your pictures. Especially in the "1000 years" post of the desert landscape.

Proud Sister.

Damon said...

Nice writing.

Andrew Bishop said...

Thanks Damon, Anna, and Boone. It really encourages me to know that people like my writing and photographs. You guys are a blessing.

Boone, Are you in SE Asia yet?