Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1000 Years of Solitude

I have never been to such a lonely place in all of my travels. I have been parked at Sotol Vista in Big Bend National Park for more than an hour and only one car has passed. The last 70 miles of road that I passed has been nothing but empty countryside, with only a border patrol station and at two visitors centers to break up the view.

All day I have traveled through desert, stopping at canyons and gulches that I passed to take a few pictures. The terrain has gone from low trees, to dead dry brush, to green desert valley (?), to high plateau. I spoke to three people today. I spoke once at a rest stop, once to ask about a bathroom at a gas station, and once at the Big Bend visitor’s center. Each time, I have been surprised by the sound of my own voice. I can only imagine how lonely the girl working at the visitor’s center must get during the summer off season.

Now I am sitting completely naked on the top of a mountain waiting for the sun to set over Mexico. It is funny to me to be sitting in one country, watching the sun set over another country. I wonder what I will hear from the L-rd in all of this solitude.


Limewater said...

I was previously puzzled by the title of your blog. I guess I'm not anymore.

kf.ruhamah said...

Why did I expect to see a picture of you sitting on the mountain naked? I mean, who would you even allow to take such a picture, and what would mom do if you posted one on your blog?

Limewater said...

I'll totally give you five dollars to do it! Not five dollars for the privilege of taking the picture-- five dollars for finding someone to take the picture and then posting it to your blog.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE! NO! I'll give you five dollars not to do it.

Andrew Bishop said...

heh heh heh! Maybe the picture exists, maybe it doesn't, either way, one of you owes me five dollars.-_-

Limewater said...

When I see it on your blog, I'll mail five dollars to the location of your choosing. If you know someone you can trust in the northwest, you can pick it up from them. I have a friend in Seattle, if you'll be heading up through there.

Andrew Bishop said...

I have it and I am going to post it. Now see what you have done daniel?