Friday, September 11, 2009

Photographing the Invisible Woman

You know how people always say that such and such thing will put hair on your chest? Well I honestly think, as I stand naked in a $3.50, 8 minute long shower, that traveling has put hair on mine. That seems like an unusual thing to observe, however, I have dealt with the shame of being bare chested for all of my life until a couple of days ago. No self respecting guy wants to be the dude with no hair on his chest.

Maybe the hair is a result of the cold weather that accompanied my passage through Banff. I have traveled throughout most of the country without the rain that I desperately wanted, and yet, here I am on the edge of an emerald like, running for cover like a mad man as a wall of water comes streaming after me.

In spite of killing some spectacular views, the rain was not entirely unwelcome. It gave me a wonderful opportunity to wash my car! Yes, I know that you are not supposed to wash your car during a storm, but believe me, anything is an improvement over the dust wagon that I was driving before the rain.

One of the major drawbacks of the rain was that it compelled me to head to Calgary a day earlier than I had to, which was a big mistake. Calgary is another city that belongs on my black list. The roads are designed so that everything is a major thoroughfare, and it is virtually impossible to turn around once you have started down the wrong road. This was not a good combination with a GPS that does not function in Canada.

I wasted two days in Calgary, shopping, buying groceries, getting my hair cut, and eating a delicious country fried steak dinner at Denny’s (who knew that Canada could fry a steak?!?). At the end of my two days I was rewarded with the inability to find the model that I was supposed to meet for a cosplay shoot (a photo shoot themed after comics and cartoons), and a non-functioning contact number for that same model.

Calgary had won, and I beat a hasty retreat!


Anonymous said...

Nice post.

A not-so-objective,


Anonymous said...

Why is Dad commenting on my name?? Dad??

And Andrew. Like we said before. You wouldn't have a problem with having hair on or off your chest if you KEPT YOUR CLOTHES ON!


Love you.